Susan Jalloh

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Meet Susan who has always had a mind for health and wellness to some degree or another throughout the years, but it wasn't until she made the personal decision to go plant-based 4 yrs ago that, that mindfulness became a burning passion that sent her down a path that would change her life forever. She made a commitment to her HEALTH…. not being SKINNY and now in her 40’s she is in the best health of her life and loving it! She became a health and wellness coach so she can guide other people on their own personal health journey beyond the 30-day resolution by making real habit changes for a healthier lifestyle so they can live their best life...on purpose!


Executive Director

Have a voice? Let’s Elevate it…

We are a creative brand focusing on creative solutions to resolve community problems through the work of contemporary artists and designers. We offer services like photography, video, and graphic design and use the profits to produce creative events and productions that aim to serve the community. 

In doing this, we contribute to the vision of expanding the value of Art & Design in social awareness, political influence, and community building.

Nick Wilkerson